Is allergy a fatalism?

(Dr. Li Yunzhu, Chief Of Pediatrics, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai)

Some people will not be allergic to anything, some people will be allergic to anything to eat, some people apply any cosmetics are fine, some people apply any cosmetics are dangerous... Is allergy born to "prefer" some people? Maybe it is.

Are allergieshereditary?

Why do some substances cause allergies while others don't?

Why do some people not have allergies even when exposed to allergens?

These issues have not been fully explained to date. However, family members have a history of allergies and genetic allergies are indeed important factors in causing allergic diseases.

People prone to allergic reactions and diseases are generally referred to as having an "allergic physique" and are medically referred to as "traits". Allergic people are prone to one or more allergic diseases, and when exposed to allergens (including inhaled allergens and eating allergens), they produce immunoglobulin IgE (an allergic antibody that causes allergies) due to their "specificity", causing a variety of allergic symptoms, including allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma and allergic dermatitis. Allergy is usually associated with a family member's history of allergies, and if a parent has the same allergic disease, the child is up to 80 percent more likely to get the disease.

Modern medicine has found that mothers are more likely to give their children genetic allergies than fathers. Studies have shown that when both parents have allergic physiques, their children may have 60-70% of similar physical conditions;

Studies have also shown that hereditary allergic reactions are systemic reactions that often affect multiple organs and occur simultaneously or one after another. Therefore, allergic people at different ages can exhibit a variety of allergic diseases. For example, newborns may develop eczema and food (especially milk and eggs) allergies in infancy, while showing itching or vomiting of the skin, diarrhea, allergic rhinitis arHowever, people with allergies in the same family do not necessarily have the same symptoms or the same allergic diseases, and even some allergens may not experience any symptoms until they have encountered a certain number of allergens, or they may not develop allergic diseases for a lifetime. But what is certain is that children with a family history of allergic diseases have more severe symptoms and more difficult treatment when they develop allergies.

Allergic physical characteristics in infancy

1.Patients in infancy appeared in the face and limbs have eczema (also known as milk), crying when there are red eyebrows, sweaty.

2.allergic asthma, or related family diseases in infancy or adulthood.

3.Itching is often caused by sweating, or has a history of discomfort and fear of light in certain fabrics and metals.

4.Inhalation allergen screening tests and specific IgE testedpositive for increased haemophilus granulocytes

Three high-risk diseases in people with allergies

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis usually occurs in people with allergic physiques and is genetically related. Most patients with allergic rhinitis have a family history of allergies, and in recent years, due to the acceleration of industrialization, air pollution has intensified, resulting in accelerated environmental deterioration, increasing the incidence of rhinitis in allergic patients.

Allergic rhinitis can occur at any age, both men and women, easy to see in young people, children with allergic physique often in the age of 3 years old or so. Typical symptoms are itchy nose, continuous onset of sneezing, a large amount of clean snot and nasal congestion.

It is worth noting that allergic rhinitis may occur if it is not properly treated and controlled in the early stages of onset, due to allergic bronchial lesions, in which case asthma allergens are usually consistent with allergic rhinitis allergens.


Asthma is a complex disease related to genes, hereditary allergic physique is an important factor in the onset of asthma, and exposure of allergens in the environment is an important condition for asthma. In relatives, the mother's genes are the decisive genetic factor for early allergies. In families where the mother has a family history of allergic diseases, children are several times more likely to develop asthma than the average person.

A history of hereditary allergies can cause persistent asthma in children around the age of 6, which is often accompanied by respiratory symptoms, high airway response and reduced lung function, and children with asthma with these symptoms should be actively treated.


In addition to allergic rhinitis and asthma, allergic people are also susceptible to eczema, urticaria, contact dermatitis and other skin allergic diseases or other allergic diseases, such as secondary asthma in children than children without eczema 7 times higher.

Genetic allergic dermatitis is often associated with food allergies or contact allergens. Eighty percent of people with hereditary dermatitis develop dermatitis symptoms, including itching, red rash, erythema and descuming. The factors that cause these symptoms are:

1.Inhalation allergens, such as allergies to dust mites, pollen and animal dander;

2.Food allergies such as milk, eggs, fish, soy and peanuts;

3.Irritation of sweating caused by impermeable clothing, high temperature working environment and stress;


5.Dry, itchy and scratching of the skin caused by dry and cold weather or improper use of moisturizing products;

6.Physical and chemical stimulation such as smoking;

7.Excessive psychological stress;

8.Early intervention to control allergies.

For many expectant mothers who have allergic diseases, how to prepare early to prevent your baby from "getting into" allergies is a life-long problem worth studying. Although the international medical community has not yet reached a clear conclusion on how to cure allergic physique, but the human exploration of this problem has not been suspended. To be sure, once a child develops allergy symptoms in infancy, parents must implement early prevention and control measures, in the child's diet, living environment and behavior of intervention, such as writing food logs to check for food allergens, or go to the hospital for allergen screening, these are allergic body early intervention.

Breastfeeding: Is it a blessing or a curse?

The effects of breastfeeding on children's inherited allergies are still controversial. Some studies have shown that breastfeeding for more than six months can help prevent allergies in children, and scholars who support this view believe that breastfeeding can prevent allergies until after puberty, and that exclusive breastfeeding for more than six months without supplementing any other milk can prevent food allergies before the age of three and respiratory allergies before the age of seventeen;

Other experts have found that breast milk is not absolute in its protection for children with allergies. In the June 2007 issue of the American Journal of Allergy and Immunology, Professor Mandelheim noted that the effects of breast milk on children's allergies and asthma can vary depending on the child's gender and parents' allergy history. The dispute requires further study.

However, due to the many other advantages of breast milk, we still advocate that newborns should breastfeed for 6-8 months, while delaying the addition of solid supplements (recommended after 6 months);

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